Monday, April 5, 2010

18. What can we do to stop people harming others?

Rules and laws are made to help protect the people. It is good that in our own country, many laws are being passed more, especially for the women. Without these rules and laws, there would be chaos all around. But not all of the laws created are made to protect the people.

We can start to stop people from harming others by starting with teaching good values and morals to children. This helps because it gives a definition of goodness at a young age. And when a child is nurtured and taught well, he or she may keep those in mind as they grow up. Also, we must not forget that all men are innately good and everyone has the ability to feel wanted, loved and cared for.

Solutions to a problem may vary case to case. What works for one nation to counteract a problem may not work in the Philippine setting. Even given rules and laws, we Filipinos are still lenient in following them. A very good example would have to be traffic rules and driving etiquette. Cars don't follow a single lane and can swerve like a bumble bee and when they get caught by the police, those that have the charm can get away without a ticket or through bribe. Simple rules like these we can't even follow. We should be ashamed of ourselves. Thinking about it, we are also harming ourselves in the process.

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